Wednesday, June 12, 2013
May 20th Tornado - How We Survived
On May 13th, we headed to Plaquemine, Louisiana to visit Eric’s family. We were going to stay a week and head back on Sunday the 19th. It’s a nice little drive (10 hours) and we decided to take Charlie with us. Charlie is our baby – an Irish Setter/Chocolate Lab mix. When he was a puppy he was deserted by his family and my aunt brought him to live with us. Needless to say, we spoil Charlie. Not with table scraps or anything like that, but with love and lack of training. He knows how to sit and shake but is a very excitable dog and needs some more training. He really is a very loving and friendly dog. Anyway, I digress…. When we were planning on going to Louisiana, I was very weary of bringing Charlie. He was not neutered and Eric’s parents have a dog, Goof, who is intact as well. I knew that getting two intact males together could cause a fight because they are very territorial and full of hormones. I was especially nervous because Charlie had not seen Goof since he was a puppy. Eric insisted he would watch over Charlie so off we went. In the end, it was a good thing we brought him. Though we didn’t realize that at first.
We arrived in Plaquemine Monday night around 11. Instantly there was tension between the two dogs. Charlie started growling and barking but Eric kept a tight hold on the leash and we put him in the back bedroom. I knew we were in for one crazy week. The next morning, we let Charlie out and followed him as he was familiarizing himself with the house and Goof. Goof stayed out of Charlie’s way and Charlie contented himself with chewing on his bone. I thought we were in the clear. We relaxed a few hours and caught up with our parents, always keeping an eye on Charlie. Goof wondered into the living room to lay down and the next thing we know, Charlie had a hold of Goof’s head. I don’t know if he thought Goof was after his bone or what, it was a moment of powerful hormone surge. On instinct, Eric jumped up to separate the fight. He didn’t want Charlie to hurt Goof. In the process of trying to pry Charlie off, the tip of Eric’s left index finger was bitten off. Eric is screaming about his finger and I hear his mom say, “I see it. Don’t step on it!” I will always remember that. I won’t bog you down with gory details. Eric was taken to the hospital and had emergency surgery. They were not able to re-attach the tip but fortunately it was only down to the first joint.
This, obviously, is when our plans to return home changed. The next day I get a call that Charlie needs to be quarantined for 10 days (even though he was completely up to date on shots) but we want to stay in town anyway so Eric can follow up with the doctor who conducted the surgery on his hand. Eric’s dad repeatedly said that this happened for a reason, we just didn’t know what that reason was yet. And he was right. What I forgot to mention is that Eric works nights, so he sleeps during the day. If we had been home the day we planned, Eric would have been sleeping on the afternoon of May 20th. Being a day sleeper, he is used to sleeping through the tornado alarm and dogs barking.
The afternoon of May 20th, I was checking Facebook on my phone and saw that there were storm warnings and a tornado warning in Cleveland County. I wanted to make sure everything was all right so I logged on to the computer to check out the news channels. The internet connection wasn’t all that great so I turned the TV to the Weather Channel just as the tornado touched down in Newcastle. From that point on, I was glued to the TV. Eric and his dad were at the store so I was at the house with his mom and we watched as it moved to Moore. Every time they would put up a map or an arrow showing the projected direction, I would try to show her where our house was located. I was starting to get really nervous. We actually have a storm shelter in the backyard so I contacted our neighbor to let him know that it was unlocked and he could take shelter. He wasn’t at home, he had driven away from the tornado, but fortunately he spread the word. He knew a neighbor that I had not really met and he called her. She, her two children, her mother and her sister were planning on riding it out in their house just three houses down from mine. My neighbor got to them just in time. They had no idea that I had a shelter. He was actually on the phone with them as the storm came through until the cell towers were taken out. Five more lives were saved that day.
I’ll never forget that day. I started receiving texts on my phone asking if we were okay. Fortunately I was able to tell everyone that we were completely out of harm’s way. Then I started receiving calls from family that they think my house was in the path. My dad was able to pause a video clip of the Public School Administration Building (my house was directly behind it) and he Googled my address and matched it up. When he told me that, I still didn’t want to believe him. It wasn’t until we received a text from one neighbor and a video from another that it really started to sink in. When Eric and his dad got back to the house, I ran outside and told Eric, “I don’t think we have a house anymore.” What a way to greet someone!
One of the hardest things was not being able to be there. We are fortunate to have a wonderful support system and family. My family got together and went over to the site Tuesday and Wednesday (they snuck in) and actually salvaged some pictures and even my wedding dress. We weren’t able to leave Louisiana until the Thursday after the tornado so the first time we saw it in person was Friday, with the insurance adjuster. I was just speechless. It’s a process for sure, but I think what is helping me get through it is that we are safe, and five other people are safe. Charlie (who has been neutered) is doing well too. He is his loving self and is fine around my sister’s dog Snooki (they grew up together and are buddies). Something that was so out of character for Charlie saved lives. Eric is fine with losing part of his finger if it means he’s alive and so are others. Someone told me that Eric and Charlie actually have a soul contract and are meant to be together. It’s crazy, but after this they’re even closer.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Just got back from a great trip (feeding that travel bug again) and I am very happy because on that trip, I got engaged. Eric proposed on the last night of our two day cruise to the Bahamas. What a night to remember. We had spent all day on the Grand Bahama Island, had a five course dinner on the ship, watched a singer and a good comedian and relaxed under the stars on the top deck. Eric actually wanted to walk around some and find the perfect spot to pop the question but I of course was tired so I made us go back to the cabin (which was a lot bigger than we expected). So he got down on his knees and propsed there. I think that was just the perfect ending of the day. Now, it's time to plan the wedding.
We're looking at May 7th of next year - one year after he proposed. I, of course, came straight home and dove into planning but I wasn't the only one. Eric is really into this wedding and wants the works. Kind of surprised me a little (that he's so into every detail) but I think it is majorly sweet and it just reminds me I was lucky to find such a great man.
I guess that's enough sappy stuff. I had to get some of it out. Have to get back to work but I'll leave a few pics to make the imaginary people that read this drool.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Travel Bug
My last fun trip was to LA for the Scream Awards in October. Now I'm going to Taos, NM in less than two weeks. I am so ready! With all the crazy stuff that's been going on in the office, I'm just ready to get out of the state. Even if I only sit around the house the whole time I'll be happy. But we have plenty of things planned so I know it's going to be a busy but fun trip. And I'll be going with some really cool people.
Now, I need to plan for my next trip. Maybe something with the gang in the spring to celebrate turning the big 3-0. Providing the funds are there. Something I'd love to do, but I know this won't happen for many years if at all, is to do another over seas trip. Maybe Ireland this time... Stay the night in castles and hang out at the local pubs. Awww....
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
My Aura

So I had another aura picture taken this past weekend. I tried it for the first time a few months ago and decided to see if anything had changed. Last time it was all red and now it's primarily blue with a touch of purple. Complete change! I guess my auras are pretty monochromatic because most of the pictures I see are multi-color or like a rainbow.
Here's what the print out said about me (guess this was how I was feeling that day):
Left side (future)
Blue is a communication color, so you are a good listener, an intuitive listener, able to transform others through loving listening. It may be a good time to learn. You can be fairly certain when studying or learning on whatever level. If it is a ray of guiding light, you are being stimulated to learn about something which is important to your evolution. Peaceful times are in your future.
Center (experience)
--Depth of feeling--would be describe you. Blue is the blissful fulfillment of the highest ideals of unity, of at-one-ness, of a reunion with earth-mother. It is truth and trust, love and dedication. Peace, tranquility, contentment, tenderness, love, and affection are all the qualities most important to you.
Right side (expression)
You put calm into the world. Contemplation with a pacifying effect. Unification, a sense of belonging. --Blue is loyalty--. Blue corresponds to a depth of feeling. A relaxed sensitivity, empathy, for esthetic experience. People see you as the calm of the untroubled sea.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Question of the Day #1

Okay. I’m going to give this a try. I’m going to try to answer a question every day – well almost every day - there will be times when I’m not by a computer. I found a site with a list of questions that I can choose from and the one I’ve chosen for today is:
What would a road trip companion learn about you when traveling with you for the first time?
This question seemed relevant since Eric and I are going to
What else???? If I’m in the passenger seat, I stare out the window the whole time. I’m usually in a ponderous mood. Not much else. I don’t press my bare feet up against the windshield (not anymore), or pick my nose and I don’t usually sing along really loud unless it’s Toya in the car and we’re listening to Madonna or the Hairspray soundtrack.
Can’t wait to go to
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
44 Things About Me
1. Do you like blue cheese?
2. Do you have a tattoo?
Yes - a sun on my lower back. I forget it's there though.
3. Do you own a gun?
4. What flavor of Kool-Aid was/is your favorite?
Fruit Punch
5. Do you get nervous before doctor appointments?
No. I've had plenty.
6. What do you think of hot dogs?
Yum! Chicago dog sounds good.
7. Favorite Christmas movie?
A Christmas Story
8. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?
Coffee!! Though mimosas would be a fun way to start the day.
9. Can you do push ups?
Uhhh.....a few..... I have bad wrists. :-)
10. What's your favorite piece of jewelry?
The set Eric had his mom make for me and my diamond necklaces from Jess and Derek.
11. Favorite hobby?
Surfing the net (when I'm supposed to be working) :-0
12. Do you have A.D.D.?
13. What's your favorite shoes?
Flip flops
14. Middle Name?
15. Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment?
I should not be filling this out at work, I'm glad I was able to have lunch with Eric, can't wait until I go to Louisiana this weekend.
16. Name 3 drinks you regularly drink?
Coffee, water (2 main)...maybe a soda or lemonade
17. Current worry?
Try not to worry but always have things like money nagging at the back of my mind.
18. Current hate right now?
Um, heartburn. It's been bugging for the last couple days but seriously, I don't like hating.
19. Pepsi or Coke?
20. How did you bring in the New Year?
With some friends who are also family at my cousin's house.
21. Where would you like to go?
22. Name three people who will complete this?
23. Do you own slippers?
I did but the dog probably got a hold of them
24. What color shirt are you wearing right now?
Black and white patterned blouse
25. Do you like sleeping on Satin sheets?
Don't know
26. Can you whistle?
27. Favorite color?
28. Would you be a pirate?
the movie kind, not the kind that have been on the news
29. What songs do you sing in the shower?
Twilight soundtrack
30. Favorite Girl's Name?
31. Favorite boy's name?
33. Last thing that made you laugh?
Probably something at Adrian's birthday party.
34. Best bed sheets as a child?
Strawberry shortcake!
35. Worst injury you've ever had as a child?
As a child - when my sister chased me into the peanut butter isle at Sam's and I had to get stitches in my head. Now my freshman year of high school I was very accident prone - ran through a window, fell off a bike and broke my thumb....
36. Do you love where you live?
I like my roommate though I don't particularly care for Moore.
37. What did/do you want to be when you grew/grow up?
I wanted to be an archeologist or geologist. Actually majored in geology for a semester in college.
38. Who is your loudest friend?
Loudest is probably Jess when she drinks. :-)
39. How many dogs do you have?
1 (my roomie's dog)
40. Does someone have a crush on you?
I don't know..... I hope Eric does.
41. What is your favorite book?
Oooh, hard one. I read a lot for entertainment but as to my favorite - Invisible Man (because we tore it apart in school), Tale of Two Cities, probably more....
42. What is your favorite candy?
Heath Bar or anything with chocolate and toffee or chocolate and caramel
43. Favorite Sports Team?
OU Sooners!
44. What song do you want played at your funeral?
On Eagle's Wings - though that song would make my mom cry
Friday, March 20, 2009
I'm back! Who wants to take a bet on how long that will last?

Wow! How many months has it been. Let’s see…October, November, December….. Almost half a year since I logged on, and so much has happened since then. After I got back from LA in October (that was a blast!) things kind of blew up at work. I think we’re finally going to come to some sort of resolution on the situation in a few weeks but that’s really about all I can say.
So, in October, Jess, my BFF Toya and I drove out to California on what was really a last minute decision. I had the tickets for the Scream Awards but there of course was no way I could afford to fly myself and someone else out there and pay for hotel. But, me being me, I really wanted to do it and was being stubborn about it. I just knew I was going to find a way to go to LA. It was my destiny. So, after begging for some early Christmas money, I decided to drive. Jess, Toya and I decided to do this on a Tuesday evening or Wednesday morning and then the three of us left that Thursday night. It was fun too. We were actually in LA less than 48 hours but it feels like we got to do so much. We went to the awards, ate chicken and waffles, drove through Beverly Hills and rode bikes along the beach at the Santa Monica pier. I don’t think any of us wanted to come back. Good times.
But, that was back in October, and it’s what…March now? Time sure does fly. Now I’m swamped at work, doing some extra work on the side (editing!) and I am in a new relationship. That’s going well and is really all very new to me. Plus I have a new car! Back in October I don’t think I would have imagined I’d be where I am right now in my personal life or that work would be such a wreck. Crazy how things can change in just five months.